December 19, 2023

IRS reminds taxpayers, Jan. 16 due date for final 2023 quarterly estimated tax payments

The Internal Revenue Service today reminded taxpayers who didn’t pay enough tax in 2023 to make a fourth quarter tax payment on or before Jan. 16 […]
October 27, 2023

IRS encourages employers to electronically file payroll tax returns

The Internal Revenue Service today reminded employers that the best way to file their next quarterly payroll tax return by the Oct. 31, 2023, due date is electronically. […]
August 28, 2023

Interest rates increase for the fourth quarter 2023

The Internal Revenue Service today announced that interest rates will increase for the calendar quarter beginning Oct.1, 2023. Read the full article from IRS here:…/interest-rates-increase-for-the… […]
August 10, 2023

IRS and Treasury issue guidance for owners of solar and wind powered energy facilities in low-income communities for increased energy credit under the Inflation Reduction Act

The Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service today issued final regulations and Revenue Procedure 2023-27 to provide guidance for owners of certain solar […]
July 17, 2023

Building on filing season 2023 success, IRS continues to improve service, pursue high-income individuals evading taxes, modernize technology

The IRS is focused on helping taxpayers get it right the first time — claiming the credits and deductions they are eligible for and avoiding back-and-forth […]
July 13, 2023

Tax tips for new parents

Kids are expensive. Whether someone just brought a bundle of joy home from the hospital, adopted a teen from foster care, or is raising their grandchild. […]
July 11, 2023

IRS, Security Summit partners warn taxpayers of new scam; unusual delivery service mailing tries to trick people into sending photos, bank account information

The best way to protect your money is to stay vigilant. Here’s an article from IRS that tells us about a new scam through the form […]
May 4, 2023

File Your Employee Retention Credit With Us!

For 2020, the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) is a tax credit against certain payroll taxes, including an employer’s share of social security taxes for wages paid […]
March 31, 2023

Dirty Dozen: IRS urges tax pros and other businesses to beware of spearphishing; offers tips to avoid dangerous common scams

Identity theft is one of the biggest problems in the digital world. A simple mistake such as clicking a link might lead to a lifetime of […]